Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Worthwhile links

Some of these have been posted elsewhere in this blog, but I figured I'd have a post with the links I go to most often or that have bearing on what I eat and why. To get you up to speed, my total cholesterol (non-fasting) on July 25 of this year was 284. My total cholesterol (fasting) on October 25 was 229. On July 25 I weighed 256, on October 25 I weighed 228. We could say 230 since I hadn't had anything to eat or drink before weighing on October 25. My HDL to LDL ratio is good as well.
An earlier blood test at work, conducted by an outside agency, showed my numbers lower, but I'm thinking their results weren't accurate. Still, I'll take a 50 point reduction of total cholesterol over three months, without taking any prescription statins to lower it.

Here's the original article that got me thinking about switching from the traditional lowfat diet I'd been put on after my total cholesterol was 284 in July of this year.

A friend sent me this link on the dangers of modern wheat two or three weeks later:

Wheat Belly basics:

From the Wheat Belly author: this is NOT just gluten-free.

Paleo (hunter-gatherer) diet basics. We don't stick to a Paleo diet, though it's probably 90% like Wheat Belly. Paleo is dairy free, I believe.

Flax seed/meal nutrition information:

Healthiest vegetables. Or Google it, there are several lists out there. Here's one:

Avocado health benefits:

Paleo bread made with flax seed and almond flour:

Cucumber and tomato salad:

Brazilian chicken with coconut milk:

There are lots of great sugar free/wheat free recipes out there. Google paleo recipes, wheat belly recipes, etc.

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